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SHR Gold Eagle's Migration Sensation CD RA OA AXJ NF JH WC CCA VC
    Sire: Gold Eagle Murphy on the Mark CD BN RE JH WCX CCA
      Dam: Gold Eagle's Force of Nature BN RE OA AXJ AXP MJP NFP WC CCA 

Whelped: 09/03/2015

Hips: GR-120263E24F-VPI Excellent

Elbows: GR-EL39970F24-VPI Normal

Eye: GR-EYE10947/83F-VPI (8/22) Normal

Heart: GR-ACA344/12F-VPI Normal

Thyroid: GR-TH4672/84F-VPI Normal

Ichthyosis: "Carrier"

prcd PRA: "Clear"

GR PRA1: "Clear"

GR PRA2: "Clear"

DM: "Clear" 

NCL: "Clear by Parentage"

k9data.com pedigree

Pepper in South Dakota 2017

Pepper is a 22" high and 52 lbs. She is an enthusiastic gundog to say the least. Pepper has good speed and marking ability. She has a high degree of natural bird drive and typically air scents on hot track to get on the birds quickly. She runs marks or blinds equally well with very good confidence in the water. Pepper is stable and trustworthy in any situation. She is an eager and willing partner in training and generalizes very well. Training with Pepper is always fun and never frustrating. We have a great time playing agility, obedience, and hunt test in the off season. Her enemies are none and she is up for any game I wish to play with excitement and joy. 

Pepper in SD 2018


Sept 24th 2022 Pepper and I completed the Companion Dog title at MAKC.

                2021 Junior Hunter

                2020 Working Certificate

Mar 23rd 2019 Pepper obtained the final leg for the Open Agility title. She placed 1st in 20" Master Agility Jumpers on Mar 24th! 

 Mar 22nd 2019 Pepper finished the AXJ (agility jumpers excellent) title with a first place and her fastest speed to date, 4.808 yds/sec!

 Aug 26th 2018 Agility this week, Pepper completed the Open Agility Jumpers title at NFGRC with a perfect 100 and first place!

Aug 18th 2018 Pepper finished her Rally Adv. at MAKC with a 96 and 1st place finish.

Aug 5th 2018 Completing the 4th leg of the UKC Started Retriever test earns Pepper the title.

Mar 25th 2018 Pepper had a blast and finished the NA (Novice agility) at WRKC!

Mar 9th 2018 Pepper finished the NF (Novice FAST) title at the Central Wis Vizsla trial with a score of 60 in just 21 seconds.

Feb 18th 2018 Pepper titled in Novice Jumpers at the MAKC trial! 

Oct 15th 2016:  Pepper earned the Rally Novice title with scores of 94, 96, 97, and 100 which qualifed her for the 2016 Rally National Championship.



Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents

 Gold Eagle Murphy on the Mark CD BN RE JH WCX CCA



 Choctaw's Fly'n High Again JH

Belvedere's Firefly WCX
Cedarpond's Fat Bottom Girl WC  
Heckels Majestic Maggy RN Heckels Majestic Molly
Butch Cassidy Sundance III


 Gold Eagle's Force of Nature BN RE OA AXJ AXP MJP WC CCA VC

Sunshine Goodtime Henry MH WCX Counterpoints Captain MH WCX OS
High Times Sunshine Fancy
Heckels Guns A Blazing Suzy Q RN Heckels Majestic Top Gun
Blaze Zoe Stroess




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